A Digital Signature is an electronic, encrypted, sign of authentication on Digital information such as
email messages, macros, or electronic documents. A signature shows that the information originated
from the signer and has not been altered.
Signing certificate to create a digital signature, you need a signing certificate, which proves identity.
When you send a digitally-signed macro or document, you also send your certificate and public key.
Client Provides Documents required for Registration
Application is filled with Authority
Applicant needs to send a SMS to prescribed number for Mobile No Verification
Applicant receive an email, just click on the link they have received on that email and verify
Applicant receive an email, just click on the link they have need to do Video Verification.
After successful verification, DSC is approved by Authority
DSC is Downloaded on a USB Token, clients are advised not try downloading DSC themselves,
it may corrupt the script and additional charges may be levied
Digital signatures are commonly used for signing the documents and form electronically.
DSC is mandatory for some services or user categories such as e-Verification of returns filed by
companies and other persons whose accounts are required to be audited under Section 44AB
of the Income Tax Act 1961.
The three main benefits of digital signature-
Increased communication and contract speed
Increase security
And lower transaction costs.